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Download Node.js for Windows

Learn Node.js
Hello Folks! If you have not read the previous two blogs, I will highly encourage you to go and read them, before you start with this.
Introduction to Node.js
More about Node.js
We have learned a lot of theories and now its time to get our hands dirty. We will download node.js in this post. Though we will again discuss some theories in the later posts, in this blog I will teach you, how to download node.js and configure your computer to follow the later blogs.
I will discuss it in step by step and I will highly recommend you to follow the steps with me.

Step -1:

First visit the website : 
Something like this will be shown :
download node.js for windows

See, by default as my PC has Windows 8.1 and it has 64 bit architecture so I can download from here.
Major Nodejs versions enter Current release status for six months, which helps library authors time to contribute. LTS release status is "long-term support", which generally guarantees that bugs will be fixed for a total of 30 months.
But if you want to download some other binary files of node.js, click on the "DOWNLOADS" tab, from the top navigation bar of the website.
download node.js for windows

As you can see, you have plenty of options and OS types to download for.
download node.js for windows
For me, I have downloaded the Windows Installer(.msi) 64-bit architecture.

Step -2

After, you have downloaded the file, double click to open it. This screen will appear on the screen.
download node.js for windows

Nothing to fear, the setup wizard just computes the space requirement when you download and install node.js. Thereafter this screen comes up.

download node.js for windows

Click on "Next". 
Then, check the checkbox which reads, "I accept the terms in the License Agreement".
download node.js for windows

Click on "Next". 
By default the destination path is : "C:\Program Files\nodejs\".
So, just click on "Next".
This screen will appear .
download node.js for windows

I don't recommend you to change anything here, unless you know what you are doing. So we will proceed and click on "Next".
download node.js for windows
Mark the checkbox and click on "Next".
Then in the final box, click on the "Install" button and wait for the .exe file to install in your PC.
download node.js for windows
In the meantime, I would like to tell something.
  • Never ever blindly, keep on clicking the "Next" button.
  • During this time, in Windows a command box appears which says :
  • "Do you want to allow the following program to install software on this computer?"
  • Just click on "Yes" button.
Then download begins and after a while finishes. Then this screen pops up....
download node.js for windows
Just click on "Finish".

But wait! Our work is not over yet we need to set the node.exe file to the PATH.

Go to the path : C:\Program Files\nodejs
You will reach this folder in your PC, (provided you didn't change the path during installation). If you have done that change, go the respective folder you selected while installing node.js. You should see these files and folders.
download node.js for windows
Select and copy the folder location. For me its : "C:\Program Files\nodejs".
Go to the Control Panel.
download node.js for windows

In the top right corner search box, write "env", you will see an option in blue, which reads "Edit Environment variables for your account", click on that.
download node.js for windows

This box will appear :
download node.js for windows

Select "path"
Click on "Edit".
In the "Variable value" box, put a semi-colon ";" and thereafter paste the copied path i.e. "C:\Program Files\nodejs".
Click on "Ok".
Now our task finishes.


Just to check, whether we have installed everything correctly go to Command Prompt app.
In the terminal write node -v.
The LTS or Current version of the node install in your PC should be displayed.

CMD node.js

I have tried to explain how to download node.js with the best of my knowledge and hard work. I hope my lovely readers have understood and followed the steps with me.
If you are liking my blogs, share and comment your views!
For my next blog visit : Node.js Modules


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